In physics, Trou de ver (wormhole) is a speculative structure linking disparate points in spacetime. It can be visualized as a tunnel with two ends at separate points in spacetime.
For us, Trou de ver means the opportunity to create a musical and scenic tunnel between the XVIIth and the XXI centuries, connecting these two historical times through their music, sound and characteristic instruments.
In parallel to the musical and historic travel, Trou de ver suggests also a visual journey through physical space, scenified by a countertenor. During his interpretation, the countertenor will draw a path from Barroque to our days, without stopping at intermediate times: this is the magic of a wormhole. In the XVIIth century will be accompanied by a thiorbe and a barroque guitar. In our present, by the most characteristic instrument of our time: a computer.
In this physic and sound migration we slowly will let the frontiers betwen each style to dissolve. We will allow barroque music to be influenced by electronic sound.
Performers: Pere Jou, Aurora Bauzà and Ferran Pisà
Creation and direction: Aurora Bauzà and Pere Jou
Musical arrangements: Aurora Bauzà and Pere Jou
In collaboration and supported by
Festival Espurnes Barroques and La Lleialtat Santsenca.